Sunday, December 22, 2013

Breakfast Magic

I try to make life magical for my kids. I do an average job. There are parents out there who are far more creative and far more dedicated to bringing magic to their kids’ lives than I. I give myself credit for trying because I have a nasty habit of starting a project and not finishing it. And because I am a procrastinator. And because I tend to be lazy. And because I’m also a pro at finding excuses.
So a few weeks ago, right around Thanksgiving, and after I had made the kids a winter themed breakfast, my husband challenged me to make one winter/holiday breakfast through Christmas. Two thoughts immediately ran through my head. Firstly…bring it hubs. Don’t challenge me, in front of the kids, and expect me to go down without a fight. Secondly…crap! I’m never going to follow through with this.
Then I started calculating excuses: basketball games, a Baptism, a sleepover for one of the kids, volleyball, I am not good at Pinterest. The list goes on. Yet, I still managed to produce a few cool eats for the kids. Because they loved the breakfasts. They looked forward to them. And I got to practice (and ultimately realize I still suck at) Pinterest.  
Yes, I missed a few weekends. But I did okay too. Your welcome kids.
Week One:
(Thank you Pinterest)
(Its Rudolph. Not a monkey or a moose or a baby like my kids thought)
Week Two:
(Thanks again Pinterest)

(Frisky Donut Snowmen & Reindeer)
Week Three:
(Thanks, middle of the night wakefulness)
(Waffle Iron Snowflakes)

Week Four:
(Thanks again, middle of the night wakefulness)
 (This is supposed to be a Cinnamon Bun Christmas Tree Tower)
(Not everything is perfect!)

Week Five:
(The upside to having an infant who is up at all hours of the night...I come up with these!)
(Santa's Toy Sack, Crepes filled with homemade whipped cream, sliced strawberries and bananas)

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